Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to Buy an Automobile

When its time to buy a new car, you definitely want to be careful. In many ways, it is one of the most significant investments you can make. You could arguably place it the second most significant investment, right below buying a house. The only other thing I could think of that would be a more significant investment is starting a business. So there is no need to rush into buying a car.
The first thing to do is consider your budget. How much can you afford to put down on a car? How much can you afford in monthly costs? If you are looking to lease, understand this article is more for those looking to buy, but realize that usually you don't have to put much of anything down when you lease. However, the car is not entirely yours, and even though there are benefits to leasing, owning is usually a better decision. But if you are looking to buy, you're going to have to decide what you can put down, and realize that the more you put down up front, the less you will pay in the long run. So the less you can afford, the less you should be looking to spend on a car overall. It is your choice in the end, but financially you are better off if you can put down a larger percentage of the cost up front.
The second thing you want to do is consider your needs. Do you commute? If not, is that possible in the foreseeable future? I had a job that did not require commuting, but then I got promoted and had to commute 90 miles a day. Suddenly, my gas guzzling grand marquis was killing me on the constant refueling. What will you use your car for? I primarily only use my car to get to and from work, but maybe you have a need for cargo space, or maybe you need to accommodate several passengers on the regular.
The third thing to consider is your wants. Do you want to save money in the long term? Maybe you should get a fuel efficient car. Do you want something that moves fast? Do you want something that has prestige? What color do you want? What do you want to use the car for other than simply driving? Maybe you want to be able to have a GPS running while your cellphone is charging and don't forget about that radar detector (if it is legal in your state of course). This requires extra charging ports.
The fourth thing to consider are the first, second, and third things, again! Take your time with this, your next car may be with you five or ten years from now. It is no small decision. Choose wisely and you'll be thanking yourself every day you own it. Choose poorly and you will have a great deal of regret. Also, a poor choice is very likely to financially burden you. And in today's economy, financial burden can lead to financial ruin a lot faster for most folks than it used to. The worst thing is to be stuck with a car you don't want, don't need, and can't afford!

Herbal Cures For Tinnitus

Many patients can not sleep properly and they can not concentrate on anything. This naturally leads to psychological problems like depression and this is the reason why the patients are willing to try any unconventional treatments for tinnitus. The doctor who treats such patients would search for several causes to understand how the tinnitus symptoms get triggered in a patient. Sinusitis, head or neck injury, ear wax and simple ear infections are some of the causes that could be treated with appropriate medicine and management. Ear wax could be cleaned every week and simple infections inside the ear could be cleared by effective administration of antibiotics. But there is no known allopathic cure to tinnitus caused by damaged nerve endings in the ear.
Herbal cures and natural treatment methods are quite popular though their efficiency has not been established clinically. In the absence of any conventional treatment procedures people have taken to natural cures enthusiastically. Nevertheless these methods are not invasive and are always worth trying. The natural cure attempts to rejuvenate the nerve endings that have been damaged by old age or loud noise. Certain topical lotions for the ear, vitamin B complex supplements and chamomile tea are quite popular as natural cures. Generally, the doctors suggest to tinnitus patients to keep their ears clean of wax. Too much of wax in the ears could always create buzzing sound in the ears. Keeping away from loud noise could always be a practical solution as loud noise is known to aggravate the symptoms of tinnitus.

Great Tips for Finding Texas On-line CD Rates

So today we’ll bring you some certificate of deposit Rates from TX. Texas is a big state, so does that mean huge interest rates. I’ve heard their roaches are as big as skateboards and their spiders are as large as cars. My favorite are the Bus sized Jackolopes. But I digress. Let’s check out the Best Certificate of Deposit Rates.

Guaranty Bank – Dallas, TX (FDIC# 32618)
Guaranty Bank has an interesting deposit product, the JumboUp CD. It is a step-up CD and only requires an initial deposit of $10,000. They have a 16-month and 24-month option. The rates step-up every 4-months and 6-months respectively. The interest rates average out to a respective 2.22% APY and 2.32% APY. One problem is, Guaranty Bank also has a 1-year and 16-month CD that are paying a better yield. However, the step-up (or JumboUp) 24-month CD pays a higher yield than the fixed 2-year term. They were started in 1988. They are about $15 Billion in assets. They do have a loss of about $420 Million. Yikes. That is way down from an $89 Million dollar profit in 2007. I wouldn’t suggest Texas Hold ‘em to these folks.

USAA Federal Savings Bank – San Antonio, TX (FDIC# 32188)
USAA was started in 1983. They are about $32.6 Billion and quite profitable. Maybe it is a Texas thing. Big states, big profit. They are native to TX. Maybe a healthy heaping of good ‘ol Texas pride will help the CD yields. USAA FSB has a 1-Year at 2.25% APY and a 2-year at 2.45% APY. So, So. A 4-year Jumbo IRA is paying 3.00% APY. With Fed funds at practically 0%, that is pretty respectable. Although USAA is not open to everyone. You have to be a part of the military or a family member of someone in the military.

The American National Bank of Texas – Terrell, TX (FDIC# 23474)
I just loved the name of the bank. But hopefully, it doesn’t end up being an omen for nationalizing the banking system. ANB of TX is about $2 Billion in assets and also profitable. So from what I found, for the most part, TX has a solid set of banks. American National was started in 1981. With a name like, “The American National Bank”, I thought for sure this would be an oldie. Rate data wasn’t available on their website.

Comerica Bank – Dallas, TX (FDIC# 983)
First, check-out the FDIC#. This bank was started on March 5, 1849. That is ancient. They were originally The Detroit Bank and Trust company. They changed their name in 1982 to Comerica Bank-detroit (Yep, with a little “d”). They gobbled down just about every bank in Michigan. In 1991, they removed “-detroit”. They continued gobbling up banks in MI,CA, FL, and TX. Finally, in 2007 Comerica Bank moved to TX. They are big, about $67.6 Billion, but they aren’t native to TX. They have 1.00% APY for up to 1Y and a 2.00% APY for a 2-year CD to 10-year CD. They were profitable for the year though. That is rare these days.

Texas Capital Bank, NA – Dallas, TX (FDIC# 34383)
Texas Capital is one of the babies of the bunch. They were started in 1997, but are already $5.1 Billion in assets. And another profitable Texas Bank. But sadly, the on-line rates are awful. Top rate is 1.21% APY. I’m really starting to worry here.

Patriot Bank – Houston,TX (FDIC# 3258)
Patriot Bank “Beyond the American Dream” is another bank that has a terrific name. They were started in 1930. Although their profit is down this year to $565,000 versus $4 Million last year, they are hangin’ in there. They seem like a solid, well established healthy bank. So how do their rates stack up? I would have been excited to find a 3.00%, but they have a respectable 2.60% APY for 15-months.

So the Giant Texas Banks, did not come through with ginormous Texas Bank Rates. At least there is the Jackolope. Maybe check out Chase Bank CD Rates.

Discover the best way to manage your earned money! Visit this blog and find a lot of useful info about forex managed account!

The Great News about Credit card debt consolidation loan – Useful Guidance

Credit card debt consolidation loan

Credit card debt consolidation is regarded as the first step towards getting rid of credit card debt. Credit card debt consolidation loan is one of the ways of consolidating credit card debt. Besides, credit card debt consolidation loan, you can also go for balance transfer to another credit card. In fact, due to the publicity by credit card suppliers, balance transfers seem to be more talked about than credit card debt consolidation loan. Some people kind of forget about credit card debt consolidation loan being available as a method of credit card debt consolidation. However, credit card debt consolidation loan too is important to consider when going for credit card debt consolidation.

So what do we mean by credit card debt consolidation loan?

Put simply, credit card debt consolidation loan is a low interest loan that you apply for with a bank or financial institution in order to clear off your high interest credit card debt. So credit card debt consolidation loan too is based on same principle as balance transfers i.e. moving from one or more high interest debts to a low interest one. The credit card debt consolidation loan has to be paid back in monthly instalments and as per the terms and conditions agreed between you and the dispenser of credit card debt consolidation loan.

Credit card debt consolidation loan, in general terms, is an unsecured loan i.e. doesn’t require you to pledge any security. However, if you have a really bad credit history and you want go for credit card debt settlement using credit card debt consolidation loan, the credit card debt consolidation loan will take the form of a secured credit card debt consolidation loan. This type of credit card debt consolidation loan requires you to pledge a security e.g. the home owned by you or something else that has a value which is comparable to your credit card debt consolidation loan amount. So, worse the credit rating, the more difficult it is to get a credit card debt consolidation loan. The credit card debt consolidation loan has to be paid back in monthly instalments and as per the terms and conditions agreed between you and the dispenser of credit card debt consolidation loan.

Though balance transfers and credit card debt consolidation loans have the same objective behind them, the credit card debt consolidation loans are sometimes considered better because you end up closing most of your credit card accounts which have been the main culprit in landing you in this difficult situation. However, balance transfers have their own advantages which are not available with credit card debt consolidation loans. Choosing between credit card debt consolidation loan and balance transfer is really a matter of personal choice. Read more other articles about disney credit card and Secure Credit Cards.

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How To Consolidate Your Own Debt Without A Loan. Helpful Things to Be Aware of

There are many ways to consolidate your debt, and to bring your credit score up to date. Unfortunately you may not be able to get onto a debt credit counseling program if your loans are secured, or if your debt is not high enough to qualify for debt consolidation. The other alternative would be to take out one loan to settle your debt, but if your credit score is too low, this may not be possible.

What do you do then?

First of all, you should avoid to applying to numerous different debt management companies. You may be accepted, but it could be by a for profit company who sees that you are desperate. What you now need to do is try to improve your credit score, so that you will once again be a viable candidate for a loan. This will also benefit you in that you will be able to get lower interest rates.

In order to improve your credit score, you first need to ensure that you pay your bills timeously each month. If you have paid your debt on time each month, for at least six months, you will find that your credit score will have improved. Remember not to close accounts as soon as you have paid them off. Having good up to date credit available will influence your credit score positively. Don’t be tempted to open new accounts once your credit score has improved, as this will only throw you into the same situation as before.

Now before you can do this, you need to ensure you have money available to pay your debts each month. What you first need to do is phone your creditors, and arrange the minimum amount you can pay each month. Most of the time, creditors will be happy to accept a much lower sum of money, than none at all. Once you have done this, you will need to alter your budget accordingly and see how much you can afford to pay. If you have any extra money to put towards your debt each month, then you must choose one account to pay that money towards. Choose only one debt to pay that extra bit each month, whilst still paying your minimum amount to all the others. This way, you will rapidly eliminate one debt account at a time.

You may be wondering where to find the extra cash to pay your debts off each month in the first place. Unfortunately this will take some strict restructuring of your budget. You need to take one month and write down each and every little thing you spend. You will be surprised how many unnecessary things you purchase each week that add up to a large amount! It may take a few months of sacrifice but you will soon see the benefits, not only financially, but also on your stress levels. Being in debt can be very stressful and upsetting. It is also helpful to read books on budgeting and debt management, and you will soon see that you may not even need to take on the services of a debt counseling company later on!

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Cheap Travel Insurance Tips

When you have decided on the travel company for this year's vacation, one of the things your travel agent will most probably try to sell you is travel insurance. They usually forget to mention that purchasing it is optional, mainly because most people do not really check that aspect. If you want to get cheap travel insurance however, there are a few things that you should know about the subject.
For instance, the offers provided by travel companies include unnecessary clauses in the contract that can be skipped, if you are aiming to get cheap travel insurance and not the whole package. If you are taking your vacation in another country, you should do a little research on the common illnesses or diseases that are frequent among tourist in those parts. Having done that, compare the list with the services provided in the insurance and rule out the uncommon ones. There is no reason to pay for something that is very unlikely to happen to you or your family. Also, if the country you are about to visit is not renowned by the quality of its hospitals or medical service, it is probably best you pick an insurance that will cover the transport of any sick person to a proper facility.
Another clause many people choose to renounce if they want cheap travel insurance is the one protecting you in case your trip has to be canceled at the last moment. There is no real need to choose this since the refund you will get is usually insignificant in the long run. If you do not plan you vacation months before it is supposed to take place, chances are you will not really take advantage of it.
In addition, people who usually have less than two trips during one year are best off using single trip insurance. Opting for the multi version of this insurance, although it will seem like saving a lot of cash, will, in the long run, prove to be more expensive. Unless you are the kind of person with a job or personal life that determines him to travel often, choosing the multi trip version is redundant.
A good rule to apply whenever you want to get cheap travel insurance is to never pay for what you do not need. Even though a travel agent might try to sell you the type of insurance providing him the largest profit, take a moment to think what you really need.

tips for Finding Auto Insurance Quotes

At a time where everyone wants to save money, auto insurance is one of the easiest ways you can lower your spending. Checking various auto insurance quotes is the only way you are going to find anything cheaper than what you're paying now. Or, perhaps this is your first time buying insurance and you want to ensure you get the best deal. Below are some tips for finding auto coverage.
One way you can find the cheaper companies is to ask your friends and family who they get insurance through. Try to ask people who have a similar driving record to yours, as costs will vary depending on many factors. In the end, be sure to get an actual quote from the company. You might not qualify for the same discounts as other people, or you might qualify for discounts that they don't.
Or, if you already have another type of insurance, such as home insurance or health insurance, you might want to inquire about bundling auto coverage to save money. Call the company you regularly deal with and let them know what you're looking for. If you can add auto insurance onto your existing policy, it can often save more money than anything else.
Go online and search for various auto insurance quotes on the web. By being able to compare and contrast between different companies, you can be sure that you are getting the best deal that is available out there. Perhaps using all three of these methods will be the most effective method of all.
By following the above tips, you can easily find auto insurance quotes that could save you money on your car insurance. Depending on a variety of factors and the different companies available out there, you could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year.

Bankruptcy & Your Car Insurance: The Affects!

Bankruptcy & Your Car Insurance

Bankruptcy is a tricky, tricky thing to deal with, especially when you are dealing with car insurance and your premiums. Car insurance is basically based off of your credit score – among other things, but mostly your credit score.

If you have had fantastic credit in the past and you never thought in a million years that you would be faced with a bankruptcy charge, you probably have low rates.

Now though … in this day and age, tons of people that usually have had good credit in the past are losing their jobs and falling behind, forcing them to file for bankruptcy.

What does this mean for your premiums on your car insurance? Well, your premiums are something that will be affected if you do go into bankruptcy; however it is not the end of the world.

Bankruptcy is one step into getting your act together and while car insurance companies use your credit history as leverage to charge you lower or higher rates, eventually your credit score will regain its status and your rates will go back down.

How You Can Prevent Your Car From Being Stolen

stolen-carIn this day and age, cars are not safe. Face it, no matter where you car is, it could get stolen by someone that wants something either out of your car or even just wants your car in general. So how do you stop that from happening? Well, in this blog, we are going to talk about some tips and tricks that are going to help you prevent your car from getting stolen.

First and foremost, you need to make sure that you have some of kind of car alarm on your car, as that is certainly going to help you in the long run preventing your car from getting taken. Stolen cars, while sometimes they are found they are usually just driven to the chop shop and chopped up.

Another idea is to make sure that you close all of your car windows as well as your sunroof whenever you are out of the car – this will prevent people from trying to get into your car, as it is not the easiest to get into.

How You Can Drive Safely In The Snow!


Personally, I think that driving in the snow is one of the most stressful things in the world. Not only do you have to deal with people not paying attention but you really have to make sure that you are focused on exactly where your car might be turning or fishtailing. There is a way though that you can drive safely in your car in the snow – and that is what we are going to talk about.

Driving in the snow is all about how well you pay attention. To be perfectly honest, one of the main things that you have to remember whenever you are driving around in the snow is that you need to pay attention.

What this means is that you need to limit or eliminate all of the distractions in your car – which I can promise you have a lot of them in there.

Selling Your Used Car: 1


Selling a car in this day and age is not easy – in fact, it is extremely difficult more of the time, however there are some tips and tricks that you can implement that will help improve your car and certainly assist you with ensuring that your car goes up for sale.

One thing that you need to make sure that you do is ensure your car is clean. This is one of those things that are very, very important, as you want to make sure that any potential buyers looking at the car, see it is clean. This might involve you taking it to a detailer, as that is one surefire way to make sure that it is absolutely clean.

Next, you want to make sure that you do some work on it and replace all of the fluids in it. This is a great thing to put on the sign too, that you kept it up and that it is in fantastic working order. More in the next blog!

Finding Low Car Insurance Premiums After An Accident!

auto-crashCar insurance is something that is very, very fickle and as soon as you get into a car accident, it is actually a great way to inflate your car insurance rate. Accidents are a natural part of life and they are something that happens, but if you are having problems with you car insurance rate after you have gotten into a car accident, this blog is for you.

There are many different ways that you can find a good car insurance premium, even after you have been in an accident; you just have to look it up. There are some very common discounts out there and even some car insurance companies that offer up accident forgiveness, which means that you car insurance rate will not go up just because of an accident.

Finding one of these car insurance companies is probably the best way to ensure that your car insurance premium does not go up.

Choosing the Right Insurance Provider

15497-51dgThere are seriously a ton of auto insurance providers out there, and all of them want your business.

They will do whatever they can to get it. They will put the most ridiculous commercials on TV to lure you into their clutches. They will entice you with the wiles of a gecko who speaks in a charming cockney British accent. They will accuse you of being no smarter than a caveman. They will take the serious, solemn approach by making you think your children will die in car accidents if you do not go with their insurance companies. They are good neighbors. They are on your side. They will give you a better life.

Do not believe in this marketing hype. Look to the details; check out the fine print; compare shop.

Quick Tips for Car Insurance Rates

insurance 7Are you aware of what affects your car insurance rates, either positively or negatively? Not a lot of drivers are, so we are going to clear things up in a quick little list!

  • Age: below 25, out of luck; ages 50-65, safest drivers ever.
  • Gender: sorry boys, the ladies are considered safer than you are. But we’re not gloating (much).
  • Marital status: single suckers, married drivers pay less for their rates.
  • Location: traffic congested suburbs and/or high crime areas, out of luck; low traffic, low crime areas for the win!
  • Driving violations: just hang it up for the next five years or so, or else DRIVE SAFER!
  • Type of vehicle: go ahead and drool over that gorgeous old Jag, but at the same time be happy, because your ’97 Grand Am costs way less to insure.
  • Credit rating: poor credit or no credit, start taking the bus.
  • Education: you are not too cool for school, rack up all the student loans you can, because you’ll be paying less for insurance.

Some Tips For Canceling Your Car Insurance!

break(great for any design)Canceling your car insurance is something that everyone has to go through. Trust me, I know that I have done it quite a lot of times and I know that it can be difficult, however there are some things that you need to know whenever you are thinking about canceling your car insurance.

One of the first steps that you need to do is make sure that you know exactly what you policy says. Before anything else is done, you want to just take a peek at your policy and ensure exactly how the payment structure works.

Next, make sure that you contact your insurance provider. Every car insurance broker actually will have to follow a lot of different steps to cancel a policy, so keep that in mind.

Top 10 Forex Trading Tricks: You Won’t Lose

The foreign exchange market or forex is the largest and most liquid markets in the world. Its growing popularity can be seen by the whooping $2 trillion trades a day. While the forex can be an extremely lucrative market, it can also be somewhat complicated. These ten tricks will help insure trading success in the foreign exchange market.

First, make sure you implement a trading plan. You should develop a foreign exchange trading system that you can stick with. Having a decent strategy is not enough you need a well-developed system to effectively implement your strategies. You should start by creating a schedule of when you will do your Forex trading. Next create on organized budget to keep track of the inflow and outflow of your money. It’s important to understand that Forex trading, like any business venture, will have its peaks and slumps. You should be prepared to stick to your system despite these fluctuations to maximize profits in the long run.

Second, make plans to trade within your means. Quite simply, if you cannot afford to lose, then you really cannot afford to win either. All traders hope that the will be profitable in their investments, but losing at some point is inevitable. For this reason it is important that you invest only money that you could stand to lose. Try setting aside some saving that you can dedicate just to trading.

Another helpful hint is to trade along side the majorities. This means trading mainly on the most common currency pairs. The most common currencies are the United States dollar, USD, the Japanese yen, JPY, the European Euro, EUR, the United Kingdom pound, GBP, the Australian dollar, AUD, the Swiss franc, CHF, and the Canadian dollar, CAD. The most common pairs of currency are referred to as majors and are GBP/USD, EUR/USD, AUD/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, and USD/CAD.

Another way to insure success is to avoid emotional trading. Stick to you trading strategy and do not deviate because of gut feelings or hunches. Learn to exit the market when signals indicate that the market is about to swing in an unfavorable direction.

Learning to trust the trends is another important trick. Although currencies will always fluctuate slightly, they generally move steadily in one direction. If you are not sure on where to position yourself in the forex, following a trend is usually a safe bet.

Next, you should anticipate small losses. Know matter how well you know the market or how long you have been a trader you will probably encounter small losses. You need to expect and accept these losses as small components of a larger plan. Be ready for these small losses and put them aside in anticipation of acquiring greater returns in the future. The key to long-term success in the Forex market is patience.

Another helpful hint for traders is to avoid Forex strategies that you do not understand. You should do your research ahead of time and draw on the information from useful Forex guides and tutorials. It is important to be cautious of Forex scams. There are numerous scams popping up where companies offer to do your trading for you, these are the ones you should avoid. You should develop your Forex methods with an expert and only make trades on your own or through a licensed broker. The bottom line is making sure that you are fully aware of all aspects of your strategy and are comfortable with the risks and benefits.

Next, make sure you have an exit strategy planned out. Though you should expect small losses, you need to be able to recognize when you are in to deep. Before you jump into the Forex market you should set yourself limits on how much you plan to invest. One you determine the amount that you plan devote to your Forex trading do don’t surpass you limit. Be able to cut you losses once you realize the situation will not get better.

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Forex Tips and Tricks

Any attempt to trade without analysis and studying the market is equal to a game. Games are fun except when you lose real money...

Often people great success in the Demo Account but Fail in a real account. You must be serious in the demo and the Real. Here are some tips that we collect for you. Make sure you evaluate yourself after reading this article.

Here are our tips from successful and seasoned traders who have undergone professional Trader (trading for Living).

1. Create a trading plan and description well.
Criteria, you need to know when:
* Open position
* How many digits Stop Loss & Take Profit is ‘ideal’
* Have a financial management strategy (money management). This is related to how long you are trading in a month, how you account resistance level of risk loss, when the attraction of funds, when adding funds, and allocation of income to savings, investment and consumption.

2. Make the trend as your best friend (Trend Follower).

Do not fight the market trend (though not including mandatory rules). If prices are rising, you can install position Buy and vice versa when prices are down then you can install Sell position. Most people often take the opposite (counter trend) and often wrong – though there’s also often true :).

3. Keep well & carefully your capital.

Do not allow your capital to be $ 0.0. If you loss, try to keep 10 to 50% of your capital, so that when the time comes to add funds or inject, Dollar that deposited not too big. Imagine if you had to add a large fund due to loss in Forex trading.

If in two or three trades already spent 20 – 40% of the capital due to loss, stop for a moment. Hold yourself to open new positions. Do not obey yourself to “get even” or “want return on investment”. Try to calm your mind and your head. Arrange your trading system back in the Demo Account. Spend time 3 days – 1 week to try trading system in the Demo Account.

If already established, please go back to Real Account.

4. Knowing when to dispose of “poison”.

The term poison is a Buy or Sell position that has opened that has a floating (floating position / not closed) a negative or minus position fairly large. Say if Buy GBP / USD you have -150 points in the 2-hour period, is it still worth hanging on. Or if the position of AUD / USD is minus -100 within 20 minutes, if still loved-baby??!
Ah, wouldn’t the price back again? Well, if the price doesn’t back and forth, we become “poisoned” him, both mind and body. We can be physically ill to think of a position that has not closed that reached 200 points for example. Just remember, for the money now rather difficult times well. If It’s not productive within 2 – 3 hours, well to be amputated / Cut Loss. Cut; remove the already swollen & unproductive. What else would make the position of stay, more than one day with more expected profit well and also get a premium interest rate, put obligatory Stop Loss? Our advices, if you want to continue the next day, attach Stop Loss 200 points from the point of your open positions. Use Trailing Stop only if the facilities provided by the trading platform.

Stop Loss Plan you as early as possible. These days, the price movement to the Euro & Pound reaches 200 to 400 points per day. Determine ideal Initial Capital & Stop Loss you with a situation like that.

5. No emotion. If you’ve reached your daily or monthly targets, get out of the market. Do not be greedy.

Avoid the fear. Now it is linked with tips no.6, be informed. If you already know how far prices can move with the technical & fundamental indicators, do not look for the disease. Do not hesitate to put Stop Loss or Trailing Stop to limit losses.

6. Be smart & informed.

Smart here is no basis why should buy and why must Sell. That means you must research the market as a Fundamental and Technical. Open daily news or sites. Adjust date & time to time in which you reside.

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4x Currency Trading – Getting Huge Profits. Helpful Facts to Know

Anyone who has the desire to gain huge profits from a business venture should realize that it is best to learn all you can about your particular type of business. The knowledge you gain from learning and doing things will be a big boost to your self confidence and ultimately to your business success.

This basic belief also applies when you are trading on the 4x currency trading market. It is known that the forex market is the largest market around the world. It involves trades in excess of over two trillion U.S. dollars in foreign currencies each day. it is even larger than the two trillion U.S. dollars New York Stock Exchange and it exceeds the sum of all equity markets around the world.

Your assignment should you choose it, is to secure as large a piece of the two trillion U.S. dollar forex market pie as you can. But, exactly how can you do that if you don’t know the way to handle your forex business? The answer: You must use reliable online forex software that can help you fulfill your goals in this investment.

For newbies it’s not easy to come up with your own methods that will bring about huge profits. You could first study to gather knowledge about the terminology and methods of trading the forex market, and then build your own software program. However, this could take a rather long period of time to accomplish. There is another way and that is to purchase trading software that does the hard part for you and leaves the profits in your hands.

You must be careful to select the right software – one that will get the job done in a reliable way. This software should have the attributes of a profitable currency Trading System:

1. The profitable currency trading system should first be easy to use and with simplicity. It should be clear what you are to look for, and easy to see exactly when to do a trade or not. Why use a hard to use system when trading can be so much easier.

2. The profitable currency trading system can follow short term trends as well as long term trends. The money is in the long term trends and you should trade that way whenever possible, however, money can be made with short term trades as well.

3. The profitable currency trading system allows you to stop losses and to multiply your profits based on how you set the system to perform.

Trading the forex marketplace is the best profit venture in the world. Many have made huge profits trading currencies, but most important of all, the door is still wide open for you or anyone else to earn those huge profits over and over again. So, get yourself 4x currency trading software and get busy.

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An Educational Guide For Beginners To The forex market

Exchange rates display, seen at Suvarnabhumi I...
Image via Wikipedia

Are you new in the Forex market? This market may sound really complicated and scary to trade in but it’s not. Just like in any other kind of trade, you make money when you buy low and sell high. forex trading is simply trading currencies in the Forex market.

Forex is the largest financial market in the world. It generates trillions of dollars of currency exchanges everyday and it operates 24 hours a day and seven days a week therefore, also making it the most liquid market in the world.

In the world of Forex, trading is very unique compared to other financial markets like stocks. Since the Forex market operates 24 hours a day worldwide, which starts in Sydney and ends in New York, trading is not centralized in one location. You can trade in Forex whenever you want regardless of the local time.

In the past, Forex trading was only offered to large financial institutions like banks, large companies, multi-national corporations and large currency dealers. This was due primarily to the large and extremely strict financial requirements the Forex market imposed. This means that individual traders and small businesses are not able to participate in this liquid market.

However, in the late 90s, Forex was made available to individual traders and small businesses. This is due to the advances in the communications technology. High speed internet made it possible for people to enter the Forex market and have become one of the best make money at home businesses.

Forex trading is getting more and more popular each day. Who wouldn’t want to trade in the largest and the most liquid financial market in the world? Trading in Forex will certainly give you the opportunity to earn a lot of money. However, trading in this ever liquid market also has its risk. It is a fact that many people who traded in Forex lost a substantial amount of money and some of these people are seasoned traders.

This is why it is very important for you, as a beginner trader in the Forex market, to have the proper knowledge and education on how to trade in the Forex market. Firstly, there are hundreds or even thousands of available websites on the internet that offer Forex education. Some of these websites offer dummy Forex trading where you can practice trading in the Forex market using play money.

These programs will really take you closer to actually trading in Forex. Many experts say that you’ll never really understand how Forex really works until you have traded in the market. So, if you want to learn how to trade forex, you may want to sign up for a dummy account that numerous Forex trading websites offer.

To get started in trading Forex, all you need is a computer with a high speed internet connection, a funded Forex account, and a Trading System. These three simple things are enough to get you started in Forex trading.

In order for you to minimize the risk of losing money, you need to have some basic knowledge in charting before you start trading. In most forex trading systems, forex charts are there to assist you with your trades. Forex charts are a visual representation of the exchange rates of currencies. This is where you will mostly base your decisions to buy and sell currencies. You have to learn how to read the different Forex charts in order for you to successfully trade in the Forex market.

Each Forex chart is different although they represent the same fluctuations. For example, in the daily Forex chart, you can evaluate market trends in the past 24 hours to help you make decisions on the next 24 hours of trading. In the hourly chart, you can use this chart to spot trends within the day. And, in the 15 minute chart, where it can help you recent currency fluctuations in a 15 minute interval to help you decide on which currency to buy and sell. Sometimes, there are 5 minute chart available to better help you get closer to the action.

These are the basics on how to trade in the Forex market. Always remember that aside from the promising earning potential that you can have in the Forex market, there are also underlying risks that you have to consider. It is therefore wise to trade in this market with a proper investment plan and strategy. If you are just starting out to trade in F

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pound Tumbles, Dollar Surges as Risk Aversion Hits Currency Markets (Euro Open)

The US Dollar surged higher to start the trading week as stocks sold off across Asian exchanges, boosting demand for the safety-linked currency. The British Pound bore the brunt of the greenback’s assault as risk aversion compounded last week’s dovish rhetoric from the Bank of England.

Key Overnight Developments

• Pound Tumbles Despite BOE Backtracking on King’s Comments
• Japanese Yen Surges on Safety Demand as Stocks Plunge in Asia

Critical Levels

The British Pound and the Euro both suffered sharp losses in overnight trading as stocks tumbled in Asia, driven lower by Friday’s disappointing US economic data, sending the MSCI Asia Pacific regional benchmark index down 1.2% and boosting demand for the safety-linked US Dollar.

Asia Session Highlights

The British Pound raced sharply lower in early trading as currency markets seemingly concluded that the Bank of England suspiciously “protests too much” after the UK Times Online cited unnamed sources at the central bank as saying King was trying to talk down sterling last week. The Pound began to accelerate lower last Monday after the BOE released an article titled “Interpreting Recent Movements in Sterling” as part of its quarterly bulletin which argued that the inability of drying up capital inflows to finance the current account deficit could mean a fall in the “the long-run sustainable real exchange rate”. Sterling bears were given extra fuel last Thursday when Governor Mervyn King said rebalancing the UK economy was “very necessary [and] the fall in the exchange rate that we have seen will be helpful to that process” in an interview with The Journal.

Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens struck a hawkish tone at a testimony to the Senate Committee in Sydney. Stevens said that Australia’s recession has been mild and the economy has done “quite well” as government stimulus “materially” supported growth, adding 2-3% to local demand. On interest rates, Stevens said that benchmark borrowing costs are “unusually low” and will need to go back to normal levels, adding that inflation targeting will guide the timing of adjustment to “more normal levels”.

Euro Session: What to Expect

A preliminary estimate of Germany’s Consumer Price Index is set to show that prices fell -0.2% in the year to September, marking the third consecutive month that the EU-harmonized metric has printed in negative territory. A reading in line with expectations is unlikely to prove market-moving: economists have called for year-on-year CPI to shrink -0.3% through the third quarter, and averaging September’s would-be reading with those recorded in the previous two months yields just about that outcome. The coming months present an opportunity for volatility, however: consensus forecasts have inflation coming back into positive territory in the fourth quarter and averaging around 1.2% through 2010; if this proves too rosy as the economy falters anew after the boost from fiscal stimulus (both at home and abroad) and the inventory cycle fizzles out, a drop in inflation expectations stands to prolong the slump in the Euro Zone’s largest economy. Indeed, consumers and businesses have little incentive to spend and invest in the present if they reckon prices will be lower in the future, bringing economic activity to a standstill. This will mean the ECB will keep interest rates at current lows longer than nearly all of its major counterparts (with the exception of Japan and Switzerland), weighing down the Euro.

Rare Japanese Intervention in Yen Trading Manages to Halt Yen's Bullish Trend

The most significant economic event yesterday was beyond any doubt Japan's ‎confirmation of a unilateral intervention in yen trading in order to put a stop to the ‎soaring currency. The consequences were seen immediately and the yen saw its ‎biggest daily loss in 22 months. Unusual trading is expected today as well. ‎

USD - Dollar Sees Mixed Results Vs. The Majors

The U.S. dollar saw mixed results against most of the major currencies during ‎yesterday's session. The dollar fell about 80 pips vs. the British pound, causing the ‎GBP/USD pair to reach the 1.5650 level. The dollar also saw an irregular 250 pips gain ‎against the Japanese yen, following the recent 15-year low the USD/JPY pair hit ‎earlier this week. The dollar did not show a clear trend against the euro.‎

The dollar was boosted against the yen yesterday following Japan's decision to ‎actively intervene in devaluing the national currency. It was only a couple of days ago ‎the yen reached a 15-year high against the dollar. This in turn caused the bank of ‎Japan to unexpectedly buy dollars in order to halt the soaring yen. As a result the JPY ‎sharply fell against all the major currencies, including the greenback. ‎

Against the rest of the major currencies the dollar failed to see similar results ‎following disappointing U.S. economic releases. The Empire State Manufacturing ‎Index showed that manufacturing in the New York region expanded at a slower pace ‎than forecast in September. In addition, the Industrial Production report showed that ‎total value of output produced by manufacturers rose by 0.2% in August. Analysts ‎had originally predicted the figure to come in at 0.3%. As a result, the dollar dropped ‎slightly against the euro and pound.‎

As for today, a batch of data is expected from the U.S. economy. The most significant ‎releases are likely to be the Producer Price Index, the weekly Unemployment Claims ‎and the Philadelphia Manufacturing Index. Each one of these publications is likely to ‎have a large impact on USD trading. ‎

EUR - Euro Slips Against the Pound; Soars Vs. The Yen

The euro saw a volatile session during trading yesterday. The currency mainly saw ups ‎and downs vs. the U.S. dollar, without marking a clear direction. Against the British ‎pound the euro fell about 100 pips. On the other hand, it gained over 350 pips against ‎the Japanese yen.‎

The euro fell against the pound yesterday following the European Consumer Price ‎Index figure for August. The report showed that the euro-zone's annual inflation rate ‎eased to 1.6% from 1.7% in July, indicating that the European Central Bank has ‎enough room to maintain its loose monetary policy, and to keep interest rates at a ‎record low of 1.00%. Investors interpreted this as an opportunity to open short ‎positions against the euro, especially against high yielding assets, such as the pound.‎
Nevertheless, the euro saw an extraordinary bullish move against the yen. The yen fell ‎against all the major currencies due to the Japanese government's intervention in JPY ‎trading. ‎

Looking ahead to today, the most significant economic release from the euro-zone ‎seems to be the European Trade Balance figure. Trade balance measures the difference ‎in value between imported and exported goods and services over the previous month. ‎A positive figure might support the euro.‎

JPY - Yen Free-falls Following BoJ Intervention in Yen Trading

The yen tumbled against all the major currencies yesterday. It slipped about 250 pips ‎against the dollar, causing the USD/JPY pair to rise from a 15-year low to the 85.50 ‎level. The yen also lost about 350 pips against the euro and about 500 pips against the ‎British pound.‎

The JPY saw its largest daily loss in 22 months after Japan's Finance Minister ‎Yoshihiko Noda said the Bank of Japan actively devalued the currency. This was the ‎first time since 2004 that the Japanese leadership decided to intervene in the forex ‎market. The decision came after the yen saw a 15-year high against the dollar. The fear ‎was that the strong yen would damage Japan's export industry. ‎

As for today, the yen is likely to remain the most volatile currency of all the majors. ‎Traders are advised to look for notifications regarding the BoJ's actions in the market, ‎and take under consideration that if the Japanese leadership will continue to intervene, ‎the yen may see another bearish session.‎

OIL - Crude Oil Falls For the 3rd Day to $74.70 a Barrel

Crude oil fell to a session low of $74.70 a barrel yesterday. After starting out at ‎around $76.50 a barrel, oil saw a sharp drop before correcting some of its losses to end ‎the day around $75.50 a barrel.‎

Crude fell yesterday after U.S. regulators agreed to a Friday Restart of Enbridge's ‎biggest pipeline from Canada, restoring crude supplies to Midwest refineries. In ‎addition, reports showed that demand for gasoline in the U.S, the world's largest oil ‎consumer, fell by 2.6% lately. The combination of bigger supplies and lower demand ‎typically lead to a drop in prices.‎

Looking ahead to today, traders are advised to follow the leading economic ‎publications, especially from the U.S. and the euro-zone, as they tend to have a large ‎impact on crude oil trading. Traders should keep in mind that positive results are likely ‎to support crude oil prices.

Technical News


The bullish trend is losing its steam and the pair seems to be consolidating around the ‎‎1.2990 level. There is a bearish cross forming on the 4-hour Slow Stochastic, ‎indicating a bearish correction might take place in the nearest future. When the ‎downward breach occurs, going short with tight stops appears to be the preferable ‎strategy.


The daily chart is showing mixed signals with its RSI fluctuating in neutral territory. ‎However, the 4-hour chart's RSI is already floating in the over-sold territory ‎suggesting that the recent downward trend is losing steam and a bullish correction is ‎impending. Going long with tight stops might be the right strategy today.‎


The volatility this pair has seen recently has created a number of contradictory signals. ‎The hourly chart shows a bullish cross on the Slow Stochastic, indicating an upward ‎movement may be coming. Contrary to this is the bearish cross on the 4-hour chart, ‎signaling an impending upward movement. Waiting for a clear signal might be wise ‎today. ‎


The pair has been range-trading for a while now, with no specific direction. The Daily ‎chart's Slow Stochastic providing us with mixed signals. The 4 hour charts do not ‎provide a clear direction as well. Waiting for a clearer sign on the hourlies chart might ‎be a good strategy today.‎


This pair has been trading very flat these past few weeks, but has now begun to show ‎signs of life. The MACD on the hourly and 4-hour chart shows clear bullish crosses, ‎signaling an impending bullish move. The daily chart also has a bullish cross on the ‎Slow Stochastic, which supports this notion. Forex traders can join this upcoming ‎trend by entering early buy positions and riding the upcoming spike for profits this ‎week. ‎

US Economic Recovery Not So Bleak, Data Shows

This past week's news has given some investors hope that an economic recovery is indeed underway in America, even if recent news has begun to comment about a pause. The US IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism gauge on Tuesday was 1.2 points higher than expected, while American retail sales also beat forecasts. Wednesday saw a minor slowdown in industrial production, but yesterday's PPI, unemployment claims, and TIC long-term purchases reports all showed forecast-beating growth in the US economy.

USD - USD Declines as Data Shows Growth and Risk Appetite Returning

The USD appears to have declined against the bulk of its currency counterparts, with a few exceptions. The EUR/USD has climbed above 1.3100 as of late-Asian trading, while the GBP/USD is climbing towards 1.5650. It appears as if the stronger currencies of the early months of summer are now seeing an autumn correction. The dollar, Swiss franc, and Japanese yen are all losing ground while riskier assets are on the rise.

This past week's news has given some investors hope that an economic recovery is indeed underway, even if recent news has begun to comment about a pause. The US IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism gauge on Tuesday was 1.2 points higher than expected, while American retail sales also beat forecasts. Wednesday saw a minor slowdown in industrial production, but yesterday's PPI, unemployment claims, and TIC long-term purchases reports all showed forecast-beating growth in the US economic recovery.

If inflationary figures and economic optimism continue into today's reports of the same nature, we should see current USD trends continue. Expected today is the US release of its Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, measuring the growth of consumer inflation. If the CPI data is released in-line with yesterday's Producer Price Index (PPI) growth, then we should see riskier assets continue to rule the market.

The University of Michigan (UoM) is also set to release its Preliminary Consumer Sentiment report which is expected to show confidence on the rise in the United States, fueling the return of risk appetite further.

EUR - Poor European Data Offset by Japanese Currency Intervention

Since the start of the Asian trading session this morning, the EUR has climbed against 15 of its 16 major counterparts. The only currency appearing to outpace the EUR's recent ascent has been the Australian dollar. Against the US dollar, the euro has soared above 1.3100 and looks to have the momentum to carry on higher. Against the Japanese yen, the 16-nation single currency has risen to as high as 112.35 in late-Asian trading.

Europe's light news week has helped other economies take the lead in global currency valuation. The United States has released a heavy stream of economic reports which appeared to have dominated market attention. The trend in America seems to be a modest return to growth, for this week's data at least, while in Europe the few reports published appear to have been far worse than expected.

The shocking drop in the ZEW economic sentiment reports on Tuesday pushed many traders in the direction of safe-haven investments. But the euro was able to rebound sharply following Japan's intervention in the currency market, devaluing one of the primary global safe-havens, and after the US released report after report showing positive growth. The result was an offsetting jump in the value of riskier assets such as the EUR, despite its own economic woes.

JPY - JPY Plummeting; Will There Be Further Intervention from BOJ?

The Japanese yen remains under the pressure of Wednesday's intervention by the Bank of Japan (BOJ). The JPY fell to a 5-week low against the US dollar, hitting just below 86.00 after appreciating 71 pips. Against the euro, the JPY has seen a much sharper drop, falling 181 pips to a recent low of 112.35; the GBP/JPY, likewise, has climbed modestly, with a current price just over 134.10.

Despite the absence of further intervention by the BOJ, many speculate that the yen-selling by the central bank may not have yet come to an end. Analysts have recommended keeping an eye on JPY pairs for the second sell-wave, which many claim could happen as early as next week.

Crude Oil - Crude Oil Price Pares Losses, Trading Over $76 a Barrel

The start of this past week saw a rather sharp boom in the price of Crude Oil as a pipeline delivering oil from Canada to the American mid-west suffered a leak, forcing the pipe to be shut down. The resulting speculation of a dip in supply, both from the pipeline leak and from hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, led to strong support for oil prices. News that the leak would be fixed by the end of this week has resulted in a paring of those gains, however, as concerns of an over-supply are now hitting the market.

Analysts have begun to claim that despite minor setbacks in production, the fundamentals for Crude Oil remain weak. Even with a short-term decline in supply, inventories remain at record highs. This has been the case especially since the world's major energy consumers are experiencing a minor pause in recovery. Without a major shift in fundamentals, few are expecting oil prices to break out of the current range between $72 and $77 a barrel.

Technical News


The pair has recorded much bullish behavior in the past several days. However, the technical data indicates that this trend may reverse anytime soon. For example, the daily chart's Stochastic Slow signals that a bearish reversal is imminent. A downward trend today is also supported by the 4-hour chart's RSI. Going short with tight stops may turn out to pay off today.


The price of this pair appears to be floating in the over-bought territory on the 4-hour chart's RSI indicating a downward correction may be imminent. The downward direction on the daily chart's Momentum oscillator also supports this notion. When the downwards breach occurs, going short with tight stops appears to be preferable strategy.


The USD/JPY cross has experienced a bullish trend for the past 3 days. However, it seems that this trend may be coming to an end. The RSI of the 4-hour chart shows the pair floating in the overbought territory, indicating that a downward correction will happen anytime soon. Going short with tight stops might be a wise choice.


The daily chart is showing mixed signals with its RSI fluctuating at the neutral territory. However, there is a fresh bearish cross forming on the 4-hour chart's Slow Stochastic indicating a bearish correction might take place in the nearest future. Going short might be a wise choice.


Gold prices rose significantly in the last week and peaked at $1279 for an ounce. However, the 8-hour chart's RSI is floating in an overbought territory suggesting that a recent upwards trend is loosing steam and a bearish correction is impending. This might be a good opportunity for forex traders to enter the trend at a very early stage.

Will The Yen's Bearish Momentum Continue?

A very fascinating event took place last week as the Japanese leadership decided to intervene in the national currency's trading. As planned, the Japanese yen fell against all the major currencies. At the moment, Japan is promising to fight the strong yen, and admits that further interventions could take place. Is the yen likely to fall further?

USD - Positive U.S. Economic Data Spurs Demand for Risky Assets and Weakens the Dollar

The U.S. dollar fell against most of the major currencies during last week's trading session. The dollar fell about 400 pips against the euro, and the EUR/USD pair is once again trading above the 1.3000 level. The dollar fell about 200 pips against the British pound as well.

The greenback fell last week as several economic publications signaled that the U.S. economy is recovering. This in turn boosted investor confidence in the global economic recovery. The Unemployment Claims report showed that applications for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week to the lowest level in two months, indicating that the labor market is improving. In addition, the Long-Term Purchases report, released on Thursday, showed that global demand for U.S. stocks, bonds and other long-term financial assets was stronger than forecast in July. Net buying of equities, notes and bonds totaled $61.2 billion in July compared with net buying of $44.4 billion in June. The positive data has boosted optimism for risker assets, and as a result decreased demand for the dollar, which is considered to be a relatively safe investment.

Looking ahead to this week, the most significant release from the U.S. economy looks to be the Federal Funds Rate, which is scheduled for Tuesday at 18:15 GMT. This is in fact the U.S. Interest Rates announcement for the next month. Analysts expect the Fed to leave rates at a record low of less than 0.25%. However, if the Fed will surprise and hike rates, unusual volatility will likely take place as a result.

EUR - Euro Bullish On All Fronts

The euro saw a bullish trend against all the major currencies during last week's trading. The euro gained about 400 pips against the U.S. dollar and about 600 pips against the Japanese yen. Additionally, EUR/GBP went up about 100 pips.

The euro shot up despite several rather disappointing economic releases from the euro-zone. The most significant publication from the euro-zone last week was the German ZEW Economic Sentiment survey. In the survey, about 350 German institutional investors and analysts rate the economic outlook for Germany, which holds the largest economy within the euro-zone. The survey showed that investor confidence fell more than economists had predicted, and in fact, reached a 19-month low in September. The drop in confidence is believed to be the result of budget cuts across the region and slowing global growth.

Despite the negative data, the euro gained against the major currencies. The euro's bullishness however was the direct result of better-than-expected U.S. releases, especially regarding the employment situation. Investors are confident that solid U.S. economic trends will eventually make their way to Europe.

As for this week, a batch of data is expected from the euro-zone, with the most interesting trading day likely to be on Thursday, when several significant economic indicators will be released from Germany and France. Analysts currently have rather gloomy expectations, but if the end results will provide better figures, the euro could strengthen further against the majors.

JPY - Central Bank's Intervention Succeeds In Weakening the Yen

Last week's most significant development in global currencies was without a doubt the Bank of Japan's (BoJ) decision to intervene in the national currency's trading for the first time since 2004. As a result, the yen fell about 150 pips vs. the U.S. dollar, and about 500 pips against both the euro and the British pound.

The Bank of Japan's decision came after the yen reached a 15-year high against the U.S. dollar. The Japanese economy largely depends on its export industry, which is hit hard when the yen is overvalued. Experts say that the BoJ has ordered to sell as much as 1.8 trillion yen ($21 billion). As a result, the yen had its biggest weekly decline against the greenback since April. In addition, Finance Minister Noda said that the government will continue to intervene if necessary, hinting that Japan will take actions to prevent the yen from reaching record highs again.

As for the week ahead, investors are curious as what the long term effects of the BoJ intervention will be. Will the yen continue to weaken, or will investors try to fight off the aggressive sell off? In case the yen will begin to erase last week's losses, traders are advised to ready themselves for additional intervention from the Japanese government.

Crude Oil - Crude Oil Halts Is Fall at $75 a Barrel

Crude oil dropped sharply during last week's trading session. Crude began last week's trading at $77.30 a barrel, and then promptly dropped to as low as $74.05 a barrel. However, the commodity managed to slightly correct its losses, and is currently trading around $75.00 a barrel.

Crude oil prices fell last week after the U.S. announced on Friday the restart of Enbridge's Line 6A pipeline, which carries up to a third of Canada's U.S. bound crude oil shipments. The expected larger amount of supplies has decreased demand for oil, causing prices to fall.

Looking ahead to this week, traders are advised to follow the main publications from the U.S. and the euro-zone, as those tend to have a large impact on oil prices. In addition, traders are advised to follow the U.S. Crude Oil Inventories report, scheduled for Wednesday, as it tends to have an instant impact on the market.

Technical News


Technical indicators show that this pair, after trading above the 1.3000 level for some time, may be ready for a downward correction. The Stochastic Slow on the daily chart shows a cross has formed above the resistance line, indicating downward movement is likely to occur. The Relative Strength Index on the 8-hour chart is above the 70 level, which means downward pressure is predicted. Traders may want to go short with tight stops today.


Technical data is showing mixed signals for this pair at the moment. While both the Relative Strength Index and Williams Percent Range on the 8-hour chart show the pair in overbought territory, the Stochastic Slow on the same chart is trading in neutral territory. Indicators on the daily chart are following a similar pattern. Traders may want to take a wait and see approach for this pair today.


Following the jump this pair made last week, technical indicators are showing it may finally have reached overbought territory. The Relative Strength Index on the 8-hour chart is currently around the 80 level, well above the upper resistance line. Furthermore, the Williams Percent Range on the daily chart is at around -5. Typically, anything above -20 means the pair will face downward pressure. Traders may want to go short in their positions today.


Technical indicators across the board are showing this pair trading in neutral territory at the moment. Typically, this means that no clear direction for the pair exists at the moment. Traders will want to take a wait and see approach for this pair, as the trend is likely to change later in the day.


After last week's spike in silver prices, the commodity may have finally reached overbought territory. The Williams Percent Range on the daily chart is around the -5 level, while the Relative Strength Index on the same chart has been trading above the upper resistance line for some time. Forex traders may want to go short in their positions today, as a bearish correction is likely.

arkets Cautious Ahead of FOMC Meeting Statements

The Dollar is under pressure ahead of the Federal Reserve meeting statements later today, as the possibility of further quantitative easing measures by the Fed weigh on the greenback.

USD - Markets Await the FOMC Meeting Statements

The U.S Dollar fell against most counterparts Monday over concerns ahead of today's Federal Reserve meeting. Speculations regarding another round of economic stimulus put investors in a cautious mood. The FOMC meeting minutes has overshadowed lingering Euro-Zone sovereign-debt issues, allowing the EUR and other counterparts to advance versus the USD as the possibility of additional asset purchasing programs weighed on the Dollar.

The U.S. Dollar did make gains on the U.K Pound, gaining around 0.5%, after Bank of England lending data measuring broad money supply for July was flat and mortgage approvals dropped to the lowest level since April 2009.

Investors were exercising caution ahead of an FOMC announcement and most currencies remained within narrow ranges. While it is not expected that more quantitative easing programs will be announced, there is the possibility the Fed will surprise the markets and be more proactive.

While the FOMC statement is the most highly anticipated news release for today, traders should also follow the release of the Building Permits and Housing Starts, both due at 12:30 GMT. The housing market remains one of the most important and highly followed indicators as a measure of economic recovery.

EUR - Renewed Sovereign Debt Concerns Weigh on EUR

The single currency came under modest pressure at the end of last week as worries about European sovereign debt increased. The EUR's strength will be further tested this week with Irish and Portuguese debt auctions Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.

The Pound fell against the EUR and the greenback after a report showed mortgage approvals dropped to the lowest level since April 2009. The GBP declined versus all of its major counterparts as signs the U.K.'s housing market weakened, threatened to undermine the country's recovery from the recession.

Late Monday, the EUR was at $1.3064 from $1.3039 from late Friday and at 111.96 Yen from 112.89 Yen. The U.K. Pound was at $1.5547 from $1.5626.

The EUR/USD pair is currently trading within a tight range and is likely to remain between $1.30 and $1.31 ahead of the FOMC meeting minutes.

JPY - The AUD at a 2 year high

A Japanese holiday Monday kept Yen trading light as investors still keep an eye out for more Japanese intervention.

The Australian Dollar, a growth linked currency, gained more than 1% against the greenback. Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens's strong assessment of the Australian economy boosted the AUD higher versus the Dollar. The hawkish remarks lifted expectations of an impending interest rate hike boosting the currency.
The Australian Dollar Monday hit a series of two-year highs, topping out at $0.9495 from $0.9372 late Friday.

Crude Oil - Crude Recovers on Rising Equities

Crude Oil futures settled higher Monday as rising U.S. equities boosted optimism about the economic outlook. Light, sweet Crude for October delivery settled $1.20 higher at $74.86 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange after trading as high as $75.45 earlier in the session. Spot crude is currently trading around $76 a barrel. The October crude contract is due to expire at the end of trading today.

Future economic growth and demand remain the main drivers behind oil prices. For today the focus will be on economic data as well as comments from the Federal Reserve. With Oil Inventories remaining high, the strength of the U.S economy is the most valuable tool to gauge future oil demand.

Technical News


The EUR/USD cross has experienced a bullish trend for the past week. However, it seems that this trend may be coming to an end. For example, the daily chart's Stochastic Slow signals that a bearish reversal is imminent. A downward trend today is also supported by the hourly chart's Slow Stochastic. Going short with tight stops may turn out to pay off today.


There is a bearish cross forming on the daily chart's Slow Stochastic indicating a bearish correction might take place in the nearest future. The downward direction on the hourly chart's Slow Stochastic also supports this notion. When the downward breach occurs, going short with tight stops appears to be preferable strategy.


The 4-hour chart is showing mixed signals with its Slow Stochastic fluctuating at the neutral territory. However, a bearish cross forming on the daily chart's Slow Stochastic implies that downwards correction might take place in the nearest time frame. Going short with tight stops might be the right strategy today.


The typical range trading on the hourly chart continues. The daily chart Slow Stochastic is floating in neutral territory. However, the 4-hour Chart's RSI is already floating in the oversold territory indicating that a bullish correction might take place in the nearest future. Going long with tight stops might be the right strategy today.


Gold prices rose significantly in the last week and peaked at $1283 an ounce. However, the daily charts' RSI is floating in an overbought territory suggesting that a recent upwards trend is loosing steam and a bearish correction is impending. This might be a good opportunity for forex traders to enter the trend at a very early stage.

What is Forex?

If you would go out on a dinner with your friends or family and you mentioned that you were trading on the Forex market most of them wouldn’t know what you were talking about. The worst thing is that most of the Forex traders that join the Forex market don’t know what they are doing. Understanding what Forex is, is the first good step to your success at Forex trading.

The foreign exchange market (Currency, Forex, or FX) is where currency trading takes place. It is where banks and other official institutions facilitate the buying and selling of foreign currencies. Forex transactions typically involve one party purchasing a quantity of one currency in exchange for paying a quantity of another. The foreign exchange market that we see today started evolving during the 1970s when world over countries gradually switched to floating exchange rate from their erstwhile exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system till 1971.

Today, the Forex market is one of the largest and most liquid financial markets in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, corporations, governments, and other institutions. The average daily volume in the global foreign exchange and related markets is continuously growing. Traditional daily turnover was reported to be over US$3.2 trillion in April 2007 by the Bank for International Settlements. Since then, the market has continued to grow. According to Euromoney's annual Forex Poll, volumes grew a further 41% between 2007 and 2008.

Forex Turnover

Forex Turnover
Main foreign exchange market turnover, 1988 - 2007, measured in billions of USD.
The purpose of Forex market is to facilitate trade and investment. The need for a foreign exchange market arises because of the presence of multifarious international currencies such as US Dollar, Pound Sterling, Yen, etc., and the need for trading in such currencies. Since you aren’t buying anything physical this kind of trading can be confusing. When buying a currency think of it as buying a part in that particular country’s economy because the currency rate reflects the economical situation of the country when compared to others.


List of most popular currencies on the Forex market

Forex used to be a closed market because only the “big boys” because you needed between 10 and 50 million $ to open an account. But today, with the development of internet, online Forex brokers have the possibility to offer their services to “little” traders. All you need to start is a computer, fast internet connection and information which you can find on this page also.

This enormous market is like the dangerous sea where you can meet lots of sharks and dangerous waters but at the same time it is the only one where two weeks of trading can hypothetically bring you $1,000,000 out of $1,000 of initial investment.

This is certainly hypothetically because a lot of newbie traders deal with their trades as gambling, that surely bring them to having nothing in the end. You should always keep the phrase "be careful!" in your mind. This market would give you its profit possibilities only if you learn the basic things hard and make lots of demo trading.

The statistics is that as much as 95% of traders come to losing their money at Forex, 5% have profit and less than 1% of traders make large fortune at Forex. You shouldn't produce, sell or advertise anything trading at Forex. Your assets are your knowledge, experience and a small amount of cash.

This market is a platform for banks, transnational corporations and individual traders to change the currencies they possess into other ones. This is the spot Forex market. At this market you can trade with up to 1:400 leverage which means that you'll get $400 on your account for each dollar invested. So, you can trade with the $400,000 sum having invested $1,000 onto your account.

Forex is unique among other world markets because in any time of day and night, somewhere in the world, a financial centre is open for business, banks and corporations exchange currency all the time, with a little lower frequency during the weekend.

Why to trade on Forex?

1. There is no commission fee for trading at Forex.
2. There is no intermediary, you can trade directly at Forex.
3. Forex is open 24-hours a day.
4. Nobody can influence the market for a longer period.
5. High liquidity.
6. Free demo accounts, analysis and charts.
7. Small accounts that allow everyone to try out his luck.

Hope this has answered a lot of questions you were asking yourself about Forex and that you can now start trading. Also make sure that you check out other articles on this blog which can help you earn your fortune.

Good luck to everyone!

Why should you learn forex?

learn forexThere is a lot of hype surrounding the forex market, but even when you look beyond the glossy marketing materials and ‘inflated promises’ the forex market is a fantastic opportunity for people with limited or no trading experience/skill and a small budget to make healthy profits.

There are thousands of ordinary people making $$$$$”s by trading forex….but there are also thousands of people losing money. These are the people that don’t take the time to ‘learn forex‘ properly. They jump straight in and start trading. This is a mistake, if you don’t do your research and learn forex correctly you’ll get burnt.

Learn Forex – The Essentials

Forex trading has is essentially trading on the rise and fall of foreign currencies in the foreign exchange market. Over $2.1 trillion US dollars of currency trades take place on a DAILY basis – its a truly massive market, with massive potential for savvy traders. Forex trading takes place 5 days a week, 24 hours a day and is a global marketplace.

When you learn forex you’ll see that as a forex trader you choose a pair of currencies that you think will change in value against each other. You make a trade on which currency will become stronger or weaker and be how much. For example lets say you buy $1000 Euros for $1200 USD in the morning, and in the evening, this changes to be $1000 Euros for $1300 US, then you can sell back your Euros and make a $100 profit.

The Secret Behind Forex – The Risk Level

Forex would just be another market, with a 3-10% return on investment every year, if it did not have that special trick: You leverage your money with broker’s ones and the cash you invest is simply a guarantee.

What does this mean? Let’s say you have $1000. You can choose to play with a risk level of 1, and thus playing with $1000, which is really boring. This means that if you buy Euros over USD, and Euros gain 5%, you will do $50.

Now you can increase you risk level, up to 1000! This means that with a risk level of 100 per example, if you have $1000, you invest in reality $100,000. The broker will buy for you 100,000$ worth of Euros. If you win, no problem, your investment is kept. If you loose, as soon as you have lost $1000 over your $100,000 investmen

How Online Currency Trading Works

Forex provides traders with the ability to conduct on-line currency trading. The term FOREX is an acronym and is derived from ‘Foreign Exchange’, that is the hugest and greatest monetary market in the world, with an estimated turnover of $1.5 trillion a day. The large players in the FX market are brokers, banks, monetary institutions, and a few non-public individuals. Most trades are executed online, more often than not using some kind of high-tech trading software platform. Some people, however, still execute their trades right over the phone, like most trading has been in deep trouble decades. And there is no shortage to the number of on-line firms who offer trading platforms and/or trading on the phone.

You’ll find an primary, everyday term in Forex terminology: ‘interbank’, which means that that the two trading sides (buyers and sellers) are prepared to form an exchange transaction, i.e. build a currency exchange. Currently again, on Forex, traders exchange totally different currencies at completely different rates. And here’s a useful fact: statistics have shown that over 80% of all world currencies trade against the USD (U.S. Greenback). So, the USD is that the currency that is perpetually being traded the most. The most popular traded currencies once the USD are the Pound Sterling (GBP), the Euro (EUR), the Swiss Franc (CHF), and the Japanese Yen (JPY). These currencies are what are called major currencies or merely “majors”. And the rate that a currency is traded at is called the “exchange rate”.

After you trade, you mostly exchange one currency for another. For instance, you may get some USD and sell some EUR, or simply concerning any alternative combination you choose. Your goal within the Forex game is to know which currency will go up in relation to another. So if you know that the USD will go up (in the next few hours, or maybe in the future) in relation to the EUR, then you may Sell Euros for US Greenbacks, and when the USD goes higher, you sell it for EUR, and you may end up having more EUR than at the purpose after you started. In different words, you would have created a gain — and thus a profit.

A day, traders in the FX market may have to endure profit and/or loss swings of 15% to thirty five% or more. Therefore you can build – or lose – a lot of cash terribly quickly. The main objective of the trader here is to be told a way to consistently flip one “coin” into several coins – if you may — and to shield themselves from each conceivable loss. And the best half regarding this game is that the market is open 24-hours a day, Monday thru Friday. Thus you can react and trade, at nearly anytime, to virtually any market changes, and thus you’ll invariably have the chance to get into a winning trade, or get out of a losing situation.

You’ll be able to also use a Stop-Loss mechanism as a safety valve on all your trades. A Stop-Loss order will automatically take a trader’s position(s) out of the market — if the position travels too far the alternative way (if were losing cash), and/or if the funds in your trading account should fall below a sure level.

The FX market is thus liquid that there is never a shortage of patrons or sellers. (A highly liquid market is one that continually provides enough constant monetary transaction to instantly satisfy all buyers and sellers.) And here is some icing on the cake: some Forex trades will be executed without having to pay any commissions. This feature is terribly enticing for investors who create deals on a frequent basis, which is commonest for day traders. And here’s some smart recommendation to newbies: you must play principally with the main currencies, since they’re safer because of their higher liquidity. And bear in mind, you do not have to get in an exceedingly hurry to trade, since the market never sleeps. So remember: market quotes amendment constantly, and great opportunities return up all the time. And it will not matter whether a currency is gaining strength or falling in worth, as a result of cash can be made on either facet of the coin.

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